Feminism LGBT Politics Trans

Are you Jason? Wotever, I don’t care.

Two weeks ago, fresh from presenting at the hate rally that was RadFem 2013, Cathy “Bug” Brennan made a trip with some fellow transphobes to a bar in London to watch some gay cabaret, at which point she was ejected for being a lesbian, as she claims. This in indicative of lesbophobia in British culture […]


On owning your history

People who have known me for a while, who have read this blog, or have followed me on twitter will know that I’ve not always been the intersectional anarcha-feminist I try to be these days. I used to be, especially a couple of years ago, an apologist for the forces of austerity. And while I […]

LGBT Politics Trans

The Devil in the Details: Reading the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill

I would like to thank Sarah Brown, Jae Kay, and Zoe O’Connell for their analyses of the bill so far; I’ve had some time to read the bill over the past 36 hours and I’ve got my own comments. Were I to grade the legislation, I’d give it 6/10, could do better. In the abstract, […]

Feminism Internet Politics Trans

The Guardian’s Trans Hate Week

I’m fucking angry. And if you were in my position, you would be too. If you’ve been living under a rock for the past week, it’s been filled with an onslaught of articles from the nominally liberal paper The Guardian against the transgender community. And finally, thank god, it looks like it’s reached a point […]

Education Politics

Why No Platform is broken… and how we can fix it.

Leeds University Union’s No Platform policy was renewed two weeks ago at one of their Better Union forums but a motion to extend it to the student newspaper was sent to referendum. The reason for the second motion was an interview that was published with Griffin in Leeds Student a month ago, which caused a […]