Education LGBT Politics Trans

Transphobia and patriarchy in action: Jason Wong

On Tuesday night, I wrote and published this piece on transphobic feminism, and how it’s inherently part of the patriarchy. On Wednesday morning, I woke up to find out about a comment piece written by LSE student Jason Wong that was printed in London Student on the subject of gender-neutral toilets:

Feminism LGBT Trans

Transphobic feminism as patriarchy

This is a follow on from Erica‘s brilliant piece on trans-exclusive radical feminists, “Doing the Patriarchy’s Work and Calling it Feminism“, which I highly suggest people read before reading this. It’s a brilliant post and should only take you a few minutes. Finished it? Okay.

Feminism LGBT Trans

On transphobic “feminism”

“Again with the trans related posts!”, I hear you say. When you spend so long hanging around with feminists and trans people, you can’t help but think about trans issues and feminism a lot. And one of the issues that came up quite a bit while I was at a party with some cool trans […]

LGBT Trans

On Wikipedia and Breanna Manning

Another blog post about trans issues, bear with me. 🙂 One thing that really annoys me about Wikipedia is that it’s really progressive about LGBT issues (thanks to the very well-organised LGBT WikiProject), except where it really matters. And where it really matters is in the case of Breanna Manning, although you probably know her […]

LGBT Trans

Transgender people and NHS Leeds

Just a short post, based on something I came across today while waiting for an appointment at the GP’s today. As you would, while waiting for the appointment I had a flick through some of the leaflets on display, and one of the leaflets was rather conspicuous in what was – or was not – present: