You may remember last year I did a bunch of scientificesque posts about which candidates I’d vote for in the LUU executive election last year. In retrospect, that’s not really the best way to decide to vote for: it’s better to inspect the candidates beyond a twenty-or-so questions. The candidates are on LUU’s website, so without further ado…
- Activities: As someone on a society executive, this would be the most important election for me. This is also the widest field, but also the easiest for me to vote for, because I personally know Tom Mead, and he’s a decent person. I’d be fully confident voting for him. Yes, my judgement may be somewhat clouded, but still, he’s my first choice. The vote match website gave me Nathan Josephs and Chris Fitzsimons, who have also run good campaigns without making vacuous promises.
- Communications and Internal Affairs: I also know Louis Gill, but… I’m honestly finding it hard to vote for him. His campaign hasn’t been good enough to convince me. Michelle Mullarkey’s campaign has been pretty good, though, and I find myself in agreement with her too. I’d also find it hard to vote for Mark Sewards: he’s been a competent enough officer, but I can’t vote for him because I find myself opposed to him more than supporting him.
- Community: this highlights the problem with Vote Match: I only have a 50% match with Ben Fisher, but honestly? I’d be confident with re-electing him. I agreed with him enough to give him my #1 vote last year. However, it’s not really an election that I’m opposed or supportive of any one candidate.
- Education: I’ll probably end up voting for Rhiannon Colvin, but again, it’s something I’m not really enthusiastic about.
- Equality and Diversity: This is another easy choice for me: a re-election vote for Charlie Hopper. I worked with Charlie on a motion to increase accessibility on campus, and she’s, well, very good at her job. Last year, she was the candidate I agreed the most on out of all candidates for all positions. Robyn Brockie will probably get the #2 vote, as she seems to be the only other candidate that knows her shit.
- Welfare: This is the one position that I’ve found it difficult to make a top choice for. I’ve flipped between Jacob and Grace several times because I know them both and I know they’d be good at the job. But at the end of the day? It’ll probably be Jacob. By virtue of a flip of a coin.
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