Category: Feminism
RadFem 2013 correspondence
With this weekend’s RadFem2013 conference, there has been sizeable controversy due to it taking place at the Camden Centre, which is a conference venue owned by the London Borough of Camden Council. Because of this, several people, including myself, have FOIed the council for documents relating to the booking. While we’re waiting for that, one…
Queer elephants in the room
This is the third, and most likely the last, post in a series of recent posts about feminist circles; the first was a rather theoretical post on the roots and problems within neoradical communities, the second then followed on and talked about political acts of sexuality. This third post looks at problems within queer feminist…
The real pretendbians?
This is a shorter post compared to the earlier one this week. And in some cases, it’s a bridge between the previous and next post. As a lesbian trans woman, like other lesbian trans women, I am often criticised by neoradical feminists for being a “pretendbian”; I am pretending to be a lesbian. Because I’m really…
Examining neoradical feminism
I’ve written on transphobic radical feminism before, and I’ve talked about it outside this blog too. Over the past few years, there has been a renewed focus on examining the sort of radical feminism espoused these days, where criticism is often laid on it for being transphobic, whorephobic, or otherwise prejudiced, as opposed to the…
The F-Word: Her Name was Lucy Meadows
It’s a bit late, but on Saturday I wrote a guest blog for The F-Word entitled “Her Name was Lucy Meadows“. It talks about the complicity of the entire press system in the transphobia that may have led Ms. Meadows to take her own life. It’s very much worth a read, so follow the link…