As everyone will no doubt be aware by now, especially through the Independent’s front page on Tuesday, 45 schools stood accused of reintroducing the homophobic Section 28 through their sex and relationship education policies. Whether it’s through deliberate malice or lazy copy-and-pasting of outdated advice – and I’m strongly inclined to believe it’s the latter in most cases – it couldn’t come at a more opportune time, especially when eyes are on Russia for their similar (but much more enforced) law on “homosexual propaganda” and in the wake of a protracted marriage equality debate where several reactionaries were claiming, above NUT advice, that teachers were in danger of being forced to teach about homosexuality!
Category: Education
Why No Platform is broken… and how we can fix it.
Leeds University Union’s No Platform policy was renewed two weeks ago at one of their Better Union forums but a motion to extend it to the student newspaper was sent to referendum. The reason for the second motion was an interview that was published with Griffin in Leeds Student a month ago, which caused a massive controversy on campus because it didn’t technically break the No Platform policy. The whole controversy, though, I think exposes exactly why the policy is broken as it currently stands.
Transphobia and patriarchy in action: Jason Wong
On Tuesday night, I wrote and published this piece on transphobic feminism, and how it’s inherently part of the patriarchy.
On Wednesday morning, I woke up to find out about a comment piece written by LSE student Jason Wong that was printed in London Student on the subject of gender-neutral toilets:
“Should unisex toilets exist on university campus?”: No, by Jason Wong. -
Leeds University Union election 2012!
You may remember last year I did a bunch of scientificesque posts about which candidates I’d vote for in the LUU executive election last year. In retrospect, that’s not really the best way to decide to vote for: it’s better to inspect the candidates beyond a twenty-or-so questions. The candidates are on LUU’s website, so without further ado… (more…)
Labour and Tuition Fees: An Addendum
Today’s the day that MPs will vote on whether to raise the cap on tuition fees. And, as they have been doing since Browne was published, Labour are currently digging into the Lib Dems for not caving into them breaking the NUS pledge. Including Tom Harris, MP for Glasgow South, who as you may recall, voted for the HEA2004, to which I challenged him on Twitter: (more…)